Mannanán Mac Lir

I am very excited to share this trailer for a short film written and directed by Maria McAteer. I wrote the music and it features Seraphina McAteer-Dahlberg, Skye Shanahan, Sean Moss and the voice of Liam Ó Maonlaí. It was especially rewarding to see the choreography Sean made to my piece Manannán.

In the Bow

This is a saxophone improvisation I made over a simple synth loop. I added the pad harmony and bass afterwards when I realised it was a tune. 🙂 It describes the feeling I had as a little kid lying in the bow of my dad’s boat, singing over the drone of the outboard engine.

The Orphan Train

I write my songs under the name Bear Valley Mountain. Swedish people know what I mean… Here is a lyrics video to the song Orphan Train. Check out more songs on Spotify or wherever you stream music.

The house of the man who painted the sea

I’m very excited about being part of this project! Get your tickets now!

Extraordinary theatre in a unique space

There’s something Pollock in his application of paint, a touch of the Izzard in his gadding, a big dose of Mother Teresa in his care of the vulnerable and minority cultures and a slither of Cruella de Vil when he loses his cool. Thank you to ticket bookers for the August production inspired by eccentric recollections of Alia Aivazovsky on his celebrated grandfather Ivan, stowed in drawers in Paris and London.
Continue reading The house of the man who painted the sea

My Friend Lester in West End and Frome

I am very proud to announce that the jazz musical “My Friend Lester” about the relationship between Billie Holiday and Lester Young will be coming to The Jermyn Street Theatre, London June 11 and The Merlin Theatre in Frome June 16. The play is written by Maria McAteer and she plays the part of Billie Holiday and I play Lester Young. We also have the incredible musicians John Donaldson on piano and Simon Thorpe on double bass.